Exceptional People Impacting the Community (EPIC) 2025
Mental Health America proudly presents the 29th annual celebration of EPIC. This year’s EPIC Awards Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, May 25th, at the Jacaranda Country Club in Plantation, Florida.
We encourage providers, professionals, advocates, and clients to submit nominations using the 2025 Nomination Form for the community to recognize individuals and organizations making an exceptional impact.
Participants of FISP’s International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Journey of Hope and Healing Event are invited to support our mission through sponsorship. Your support is deeply valued and we would like to acknowledge your contribution with the following titles. Your support can be recognized by the following:
A Gift of $1000 or more
Two-Page Spread Advertisement or Acknowledgement in our Event Program.
Display table at the event
Logo or Name on select credited items (including program, tote bags, and other printed materials).
A Gift of $500 or more
Display table at the event
Full-Page Advertisement or Acknowledgement in the event program
Logo or Name on select credited items (including program, tote bags, and other printed materials).
A Gift of $250 or more
Half-Page Advertisement or Acknowledgement in the event program
Logo or Name on select credited items (including program, tote bags, and other printed materials).
All logos, advertisements, memorials, acknowledgements, are to be provided by the sponsor and are subject to prior approval. Table contents are also subject to prior approval. Please email [email protected] for more information.

This May marks the 75th anniversary since Mental Health America started what is now Mental Health Month. Have you started planning what you’re going to do?
MHA has FREE tools and resources to get you started and save you time.
- Posters
- Communications templates
- Social media assets
- Handouts
- And more!
Whether you’re looking to work on your own well-being, organize activities for your workplace, become an advocate for mental health, or put together resources for your community, MHA’s toolkit has something for everyone.
Download the toolkit |
P.S. – MHA’s book, "Where to Start," is now available in paperback! Get your copy at
Participants of FISP’s International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day Journey of Hope and Healing Event are invited to support our mission through sponsorship. Your support is deeply valued and we would like to acknowledge your contribution with the following titles. Your support can be recognized by the following:
A Gift of $1000 or more
Two-Page Spread Advertisement or Acknowledgement in our Event Program.
Display table at the event
Logo or Name on select credited items (including program, tote bags, and other printed materials).
A Gift of $500 or more
Display table at the event
Full-Page Advertisement or Acknowledgement in the event program
Logo or Name on select credited items (including program, tote bags, and other printed materials).
A Gift of $250 or more
Half-Page Advertisement or Acknowledgement in the event program
Logo or Name on select credited items (including program, tote bags, and other printed materials).
All logos, advertisements, memorials, acknowledgements, are to be provided by the sponsor and are subject to prior approval. Table contents are also subject to prior approval. Please email [email protected] for more information.


EPIC 2022
Exceptional People Impacting the Community (EPIC) 2022 marks Mental Health America's 26th annual celebration of EPIC. This year's "EPIC Awards Luncheon" will take place on Wednesday, May 25th at the Signature Grand located in Davie.
Providers, professionals, advocates and clients are encouraged to generate nominations from the community.
Since 1996 MHA has honored over two-hundred community leaders who have made a positive contribution to the mental wellness of others in our community.
Event sponsors opportunities and ticket sales are also now available
Proceeds will benefit the programs and advocacy of MHA including Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention including our New LOSS program; Adult Services including the 9MusesArtCenter, our SethLine warmline and wellness wellness; Parent & Family Services including our new HEAL program; the Thumbody Programs; Listen to Children; Parenting Education/Parent Support.
For more information, feel free to call our offices at 954-746-2055.

Please mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate with us!
The STARR Awards Celebration is scheduled for Wednesday, Dec 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM Central Time.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you on zoom!
The STARR Coalition

As you know our Annual meeting will be conducted on Thursday July 15 starting at 6:30 pm on a zoom link and we originally had decided to conduct a hybrid event. However with an unknown number of potential in person arrivals we have decided to conduct this meeting only in a virtual format in an abundance of caution. We recognize that this event typically is conducted in person with entertainment however since there be no entertainment we can conduct our board business all virtually without any risk. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you all virtually on July 15.

May 12, 2021
Exceptional People Impacting the Community (EPIC) 2020 would have marked Mental Health America's 25th annual celebration of EPIC. For the health and safety of our community, we will celebrate with our 2020 EPIC Honorees virtually on May 12, 2021.
Since 1996 MHA has honored close to two-hundred community leaders who have made a positive contribution to the mental wellness of others in our community.
Event sponsors opportunities and ticket sales are also available.
Proceeds will benefit the programs and advocacy of MHA including the 9Muses Art Center; the Thumbody Programs; Listen to Children; Parenting Education/Parent Support (PEPS); and the SETH Line Warm Line.
For more information, feel free to call our offices at (954) 746-2055

2019 Epic Award Nominees & Recognition
Mental Health America of Southeast Florida would like to congratulate the 2019 EPIC Award honorees!
Thank you for your continued service and dedication to improve the lives of those our community.
Gratitude For Giving
The Sierra Tuscon "Gratitude For Giving" Visionary Award was presented to MHASEFL Adult Services Director, Chris Yoculan. Chris was honored for his years of dedication to improvement of the mental health care system and fighting for the rights of individuals with mental health issues. (Chris 2nd from left)

Wilton Manors Lights Up Green
Wilton Manors lights up Green for Mental Health Awareness Month and presents Mental Health America with proclamation supporting people with mental illness in their community!
"Thank you to all for your support, we had a good turnout "
Paul Jaquith