Parenting Services

Welcome to Parents
MHA’s initial venture into parent training was as sponsor to the County’s first Parents Anonymous (PA) meeting 1977. PA offered parents an alternative to abusive behavior toward their children. In 1986, a community coalition was organized to expand the project and link it to a Tallahassee based PA host project. MHA was asked by the Coalition to serve as the lead agency and did take on that role. In 1988, Broward County, through its Children’s Services Administration Division, funded MHA’s expansion of the project. In subsequent funding cycles, MHA was able to document greater need and was awarded more funds. The project was modified to reflect its expanded services and became known as PEPS (Parent Education/Parent Support). In 2015, PEPS joined the initiative in Florida to standardize the Parent Education Services throughout the state. Through monthly state-wide meetings, MHA was part of an implementation team to develop protocols for improving the outcomes of Parent Education in the state of Florida. Appropriate curriculums were identified and staff were trained in evidence-based parent education for parents of children 0-18 years of age and evidence based behavioral observations for parents with children 0-5 years of age. MHA has been in the forefront of this initiative and continues to be a leader in providing high quality evidence- based curriculum today.
Services are provided in Broward County jails, drug treatment centers and community locations around the county.
MHA-PEPS also provides fee-based parenting services for families needing supervised visitation and for families in need of specialized support during and after divorce through our Co-Parenting and Divorce Program.
Additionally, PEPS provides Anger Management classes, Circle of Security classes and Child-Parent Psychotherapy.

Family Support Services
The new Family Voices Program that began October 2021 supports parents with children with special needs in navigating the system of care in Broward County by offering case management and support. We are very excited to reintroduce Family Voices as part of our program array thanks to Broward County Children’s Services. Any family whose special needs child, between the ages of 3 years to 22 years is eligible for support and assistance through MHA’s Family Voices program. Specifically, we will assist in accessing community resources, educational planning, legal help, informal counseling, and parent training. Eligible families have children who experience mental health issues ranging from impairment in functioning to diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorders, including emotional/behavioral disabilities as defined by the DSM-5. Also included are those with current or past traumatic stress that has manifested in behavioral challenges.
The intent of the program is to strengthen families facing the challenge of mental or physical impairment in their children, to provide them with skills and resources to address immediate and potential challenges, to build bridges of support through natural and clinical links, and to promote the capacity for sustained successes once the services are phased out.
Remember that mental health is a goal for everyone, and prevention is important!

Use this form below ONLY to make payments for Parenting, Co-Parenting or Anger Management
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(LAST Name, First Name, Email, Phone Number)
Click which class you are paying for:
(Parenting, Co-Parenting, Anger Management)
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Next, click "SUBMIT"
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Contact (954) 746-2055 ext 105