A Drop-In Center
With a focus on the Arts, Recovery Workshops & Support Groups
Participants are free to choose from a wide array of visual and performance arts. Classes feature Personalized Instruction & individual studio time, allowing each participant to create according to their own "muse"
Director: Nicole Storrs

Program Initiative:
2023 Consumer Mental Health Support Services Update:
Program History
In 1994, a mental health art center was inspired by a phone call to the Consumer Affairs Director from a case manager who was concerned about a client ready for discharge from the state hospital. The individual was a talented artist and only wanted to do art. Meetings were initiated with local consumers who were artists or those interested in the arts to solicit their suggestions. The Department of Children and Families was persuaded to fund a drop-in center with a focus on the arts, called Hot Sketch Studios. After a year and a half, attendance was low and the sponsoring agency chose not to continue service.
In October 1996, the Mental Health Association of Broward FL, known today as Mental Health America of Southeast Florida agreed to sponsor the program. The name was changed to 9Muses Art Center and since then membership and attendance have increased to over 4,000 members. The center is a working art studio. Many diverse workshops are offered each month along with outings and social events. 9Muses artists have exhibited in public libraries, corporate buildings, government agencies, and psychiatric units, participated in community events and exhibits, developed ongoing relations to exhibit at local businesses, showcased during luncheons and special events that further our mission, and our own Gallery & Frame Shop provides continual opportunities for members to exhibit at a variety of community events. Our members have been commissioned to produce murals for a number of hospital crisis units and the state hospital.
In addition to fine arts classes (drawing, acrylics, watercolor, charcoal, pastels, etc.), there are lessons in guitar, piano, percussion, and voice. Classes in poetry, creative writing, drama, dance, clay, ceramics, potter’s wheel, hand building, jewelry making, woodworking, computers, as well as outings and social events, recovery workshops, and self-help support groups.
Artistic expression and community integration at 9Muses promote understanding and acceptance both for those with mental illness and for those without. Together with our members, we make a difference, challenging stigma, embracing expression, and creating opportunity via the arts.
9Muses Frame Shop provides personalized, quality service designed to provide framing and preserving your cherished artwork, photographs, and even keepsakes a simple and rewarding pleasure. All of our trained artisans work closely with you to choose the elements that will make your vision a beautifully finished piece. We carry a large selection of molding samples from a variety of companies. We also carry a full line of acid-free mats from Crescent. A 20% discount is offered to 9Muses and MHA membership.

Drop-In Center Participation
The 9Muses Art Center is an adult services Drop-In Center for use by individuals who have a history of Mental Illness or are currently dealing with a Mental Illness.
The drop-in center is a peer-operated service that offers free services for anyone who meets the above-mentioned criteria. The primary purpose is to provide a safe and secure environment that supports individual recovery through mutual support.
Membership is available to others as well who do not meet criteria; however, a nominal fee is expected to help defray the costs associated with their participation. It is the policy of the drop-in center that other professional staff (case managers, peer mentors, etc.) may accompany individuals to the center as support for transportation, however, are not to provide other support functions for the individual who is participating. This is to encourage social interaction among peers and to encourage full participation in the activities being offered by the drop-in center.
Other professional staff may engage in the drop-in center only by completing a membership application and becoming a member of the drop-in center. Professional staff may be asked to accompany individuals on a case-by-case basis if the staff believes it would be in the best interest of the individual to be present. In most cases, professional staff is not to be involved with the individual when they are engaged in the services provided by the drop-in center.